Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Japanese Koi Fish Tattoos

Tattoos have become extremely popular nowadays no matter what gender or age of a person. One of the most popular designs in tattoos is the koi fish tattoo designs. In the past, the koi fish was mainly considered to be a manly symbol. However, its meaning has now transcended any gender because it symbolizes bravery and determination.

According to a Japanese legend, the fish was supposed to climb a waterfall with all its might. If it gets caught, it must face their death on the cutting board, very similar to a samurai. In Japan, the koi fish represented strength and perseverance.

According to a Chinese legend, if the fish was successful in climbing what was called the "Dragon Gate" and made it to the Yellow River, the fish would be transformed into a dragon. Because of this, the koi fish has also come to represent aspirations, moving forward, and reaching goals.

When used for tattoos, fish tattoo designs usually come with running water which represents courage and the ability to overcome different obstacles and difficulties in life.

If the fish is shown swimming upstream, it represents that the individual is still facing and struggling with whatever obstacle in his life. If the fish is swimming downstream, it represents how the individual was able to overcome that obstacle.

So if you are looking for a tattoo design that best represents your own courage, strength, perseverance, and determination, whether you have overcome an obstacle or are still struggling with one, fish tattoo designs are definitely right for you. Article Source:

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